
For the @thylabigbang I teamed up with SofiaHolmes to draw for her fic!

Read Dagger of Love on Ao3

Star Trek TOS Mirrorverse, Spock/Kirk

Rating/tags: E, some violence (Amok Time/Mirrorverse typical), attempted suicide

After what happened on the Tantalus colony, Kirk and Spock must confront
their biggest fear, an emotion called love. A mirrorverse retelling of
the Enemy Within, Dagger of the Mind and Amok Time. 

I cropped this art to make it more SFW, and you can view the explicit one here >_o


“Legend has it that when he was approached about a monument in his honor, his only request was that the statue match him in size. … To be otherwise, he said, would simply not be logical.” 

A list of people who are not okay: me

A list of reasons why: Spock Prime, Spock Prime, Spock Prime, this comic, and the ever increasing probability of a Spock Prime funeral scene in ST Beyond